Sunflower bouquet ~ Mother's Day greeting card

Sunflower bouquet ~ Mother's Day greeting card


Introducing the charming "Sunflower bouquet" greeting card from my 2024 Nostalgia collection – a delightful way to convey heartfelt messages on Mother's Day or any special occasion.

This exquisite card, adorned with beautiful flowers, evokes a sense of warmth and fond remembrance, making it a perfect token of appreciation for loved ones. Sunflowers represent happiness, light, the warmth of the sun, and gratitude.

Its blank interior is a canvas for your personal touch, allowing you to craft a message that resonates with the moment.

Measuring 4x6 inches when folded, it's an intimate and elegant choice, complete with a matching envelope to seal your sentiments.

Whether it's a note of gratitude, love, or just because, the "Sunflower bouquet" card is a timeless memento that cherishes the beauty of connection.

Originally painted with watercolors by Margareta Csiszar and locally printed on beautiful white, watercolor textured paper for a unique touch.

Size: 4x6 inches, folded, blank inside

Material: heavyweight, textured matt paper

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